Monday, June 7, 2010

June 6: La Crete to the Highway 35 Junction and beyond...

Day One

Distance: 113 km
Riding Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
Total Time: 5 hours
Average Speed: 30.6 km
Total Distance: 113km
Weather/Wind: High 21, alternately sunny and cloudy, winds from NW 20km, largely crosswind with some tailwinds.
Terrain: Mostly flat with a moderate hill down and up at Tompkins Landing Ferry.

All in all an auspicious beginning. Traffic is light, wind is from acceptable directions, and our fearless support drivers are trapped in a perpetual playground zone. We dined quickly though not ungratefully at Anne's daughter's house in La Crete following a lengthy service, and then departed amid much local media fanfare. While I'll admit I've ridden on more interesting roads, the country up here is stunning and, due to the prevailing north wind and south sun, everything that pokes it's leafy head out of the soil leans to the south, which reassures me we're heading in the right direction. The ferry was a particular highlight. And Anne seems to see someone she knows every half hour or so. Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. What Kim is holding in the fourth picture is the casing from whatever shot went through the sign in the background.
