Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back in La Crete (French for "The Crete")

Here's us attempting the stance of the Masai without proper equipment. Feel free to give us some pointers Joseph....

Alright, welcome back hoards of followers to my annual cycle south blog. I can guarantee that there will be at least 10 -possibly 12- more posts before it's relegated for another 12ish months. Here's what has happened so far.

First of, thanks to generous donations from everywhere, we have already broken our 200,000 dollar fundraising goal, and I'm told more is coming in all the time,(some of which directly due to the efforts of one Kennedy Krahn) which is fantastic.

Yesterday we rode with Menno Simons junior high students for 33 kilometers along the river path. At least some of us did. 8 blocks in Abe decided he didn't like the cut of Adam's rear wheel's jib, and decided to make an ad hoc adjustment. This resulted in a slightly panicked but ultimately successful wheelbuild while the rest of the ride proceeded (thanks to the fine chaps at Campione Cycles for use of the shop space), and then a quick hot dog in the rain before piling in the car for the 9ish hour drive to Peace River.

This morning, after an early victual run to the local Tim Hortons, we proceeded to La Crete, where we were sent off in style by no less than a dozen cyclists young and old. Two of them (that's you Phil and Simon) joined us for the 70 km to the ferry, Phil more than doubling his previous mileage record and I expect his previous soreness record as well. After our second ferry trip of the day we rode another 40 km or so to the junction and beyond (see map below).

I should point out that my phone died about 10 km before we stopped, so for all you nitpickers out there, that's why tomorrow we will start a little ahead of where the map shows us stopping. Just saying. John out.

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